Breaking Points
News • Politics
Breaking Points is an independent news program hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti. CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are ripping us apart and making millions of dollars doing it. We don't have soulless billionaires or corporations backing our high end TV production, but we do have YOU. Together we're creating better, more insightful news to help us understand the world.
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18 hours ago

Love Krystal’s Bible study lol I’m pretty sure my sister in Christ Emily would not be as triggered as Saagar is by “Have mercy on immigrants and LGBT people.” Definitely want a Krystal + Emily Bible segment lol

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Ease up with the snippiness towards each other.
great show don’t wanna see it crumble on the inside from you guys not get along. It’s coming across on the show.

Incredible to hear Saagar say, "Well, due process is only for citizens." Does it mean cops can randomly arrest and hold non-citizens (including LEGAL immigrants) without cause? What sort of civil liberty is that?!

I wouldn't have been surprised to hear this in 4chan-adjacent RW shows on Fox, etc, but I am surprised to hear this in this show. It makes me question why I am subscribed to such ill-liberal shows!

Seems like since his friend JD became VP @SaagarEnjeti has lost his objectiveness, repeating MAGA talking points with increasing frequency. Does he understand he was spouting misogynistic and anti-LGBT words while speaking about how "they let anybody" be clergy in half of Episcopal churches? Is that how he really feels? Women and homosexuals have no right to be clergy? Because that's the split that sent JD to Catholicism.

I'm a cannabis smoking lesbian (out in Indiana since 1982). I usually ignore his puritan aspirations because he blends it with reasoning from his prospective. Lately he's been more MAGA than not. He is becoming a barrier where he was once a bridge.

Don't think I don't have problems with Krystal, who is a Democratic apologist far too often.

Both neglect the "how we got here" in their discussions. Immigration vs US interventionalism as example.

I am weary from the lack of civility. I am weary of feeling attacked for who I am and weary of paying for the comfortable ...

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