Breaking Points
News • Politics
Breaking Points is an independent news program hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti. CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are ripping us apart and making millions of dollars doing it. We don't have soulless billionaires or corporations backing our high end TV production, but we do have YOU. Together we're creating better, more insightful news to help us understand the world.
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20 hours ago

Matt Walsh is either self-deluded or cleverly disingenuous. For example, saying that a person can’t be racist unless they feel hatred is malarkey. Prejudice is having pre-conceived ideas about another based on gender, race, etc. We all have prejudices, whether unconscious or not, whether positive or negative. Descrimination is acting on prejudice in a negative or harmful way. A racist descriminates based on race. So much more of what Walsh said is just unbelievably stupid. According to him, the high numbers of black men in jail is just unfortunate. End of story. Also, the REAL victims are white people—the only people US policies descriminate against. 🤮

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Watching BP On Spotify

We've heard questions about Spotify access that we would like to make clear.

Spotify's legal team is giving us issues and slowing down the migration.

In the meantime we've created a temporary Spotify video playlist that we are linking in all the show emails and posts.

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Re: To the Matt Walsh segment

As a society, we've made explicit expressions of racism taboo... for the most part. People keep their racism to themselves and share it privately amongst friends and loved ones who feel similar -or anonymously online. So, if you're looking for that type of racism, it seldom shows in physical public spaces.

Racism and how it functions doesn't have to look like a Kard Karrying Klan member or flying a treasonous flag for southern heritage. Most of the time, racism nowadays looks like indifference, apathy, contempt, dog whistle statements, willful ignorance and obtuseness. And that shows up in public policy, centers of power, civic and cultural institutions, and how we teach history about who we are as a country.

This locals move is so bad in so many ways.

It was bad enough that ama is no longer cross posted on other platforms like before (paying members were told we'd not lose anything via the move but we did).

But now because we're on Dave Rubins platform I am now getting spammed by the Rubin report, a channel I would never listen to. And have to choose whether or not I get no notifications at all (including BP) or enable notifications which enables spam from unsubscribed channels.

I may not renew BP in November. And I've been a member for three years.

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