Breaking Points
News • Politics
Breaking Points is an independent news program hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti. CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are ripping us apart and making millions of dollars doing it. We don't have soulless billionaires or corporations backing our high end TV production, but we do have YOU. Together we're creating better, more insightful news to help us understand the world.
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I think RFK Jr. Should get a profile in courage award. Based on those profiled in JFK's book, with the sacrifices he's made, he certainly seems eligible. Objectively speaking of course, there's no way in hell they'd give him one, makes him deserve it even more.

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Welcome To Breaking Points On Locals!

Thank you for becoming a member at Breaking Points, now on Locals!

You will get access to all the exclusive content, our full length shows, and new Q&A live streams that will be on Locals. Locals adds great features to the show such as the mobile app, higher quality video, and screen casting to your TV!

If you need any help, please contact [email protected].

Thanks for being a part of the next step in our independent media journey,

BP Team

Watching BP On Spotify

We've heard questions about Spotify access that we would like to make clear.

Spotify's legal team is giving us issues and slowing down the migration.

In the meantime we've created a temporary Spotify video playlist that we are linking in all the show emails and posts.

Spotify Link:

For any other questions please contact [email protected]

Dear other Members . Let’s all contact breaking points about notifying us about scheduling changes. Its been an issue for over a year. Go to the breaking points website - about us section- then click the contact us button. Send them a message. We aren’t asking for the world but it’s a common issue we have all complaint about for a while. Let’s do something about it. I love BP let’s make it better.

September 11, 2024

Counter points today?

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