Breaking Points
News • Politics
Breaking Points is an independent news program hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti. CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are ripping us apart and making millions of dollars doing it. We don't have soulless billionaires or corporations backing our high end TV production, but we do have YOU. Together we're creating better, more insightful news to help us understand the world.
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Watching BP On Spotify

We've heard questions about Spotify access that we would like to make clear.

Spotify's legal team is giving us issues and slowing down the migration.

In the meantime we've created a temporary Spotify video playlist that we are linking in all the show emails and posts.

Spotify Link:

For any other questions please contact [email protected]

I'm in an area hit by the hurricane. I have property damage that doesn't prevent me from staying in my home but I have no electricity. I have tried to find a hotel room for one night which normally would not be a problem at all. However the booking software for all the hotels only allow you to book a room if you pay for three nights. This wasn't the case before the hurricane and it's a form of price gouging. Journalists need to expose this practice.

September 27, 2024

I appreciated the segment on the overdose epidemic this week — and I think it’s time you invite on an expert to dig into the nuances with you. Y’all came so close to explaining it well.

Things to mention next time:

  • Racial/class disparities are getting worse, even while the general average has come down a bit.
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD, like Suboxone) do more than “reduce cravings”; they’re the gold standard of long term care. People in prison need these medications too.
  • Drug Courts already force people to choose between jail and treatment, and all research shows that it doesn’t work unless people actively choose treatment without being forced.
  • Cocaine and stimulant deaths are going up, even when fentanyl is not mixed into it. There’s no naloxone equivalent for stims.
  • Deaths increase when police seize drugs, because people have to get a new supply, and they don’t know how strong it is.

Love Breaking Points, thanks for the great discussions. ❤️

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