Breaking Points
News • Politics
Breaking Points is an independent news program hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti. CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are ripping us apart and making millions of dollars doing it. We don't have soulless billionaires or corporations backing our high end TV production, but we do have YOU. Together we're creating better, more insightful news to help us understand the world.
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Dear Krystal,

I'm a huge fan of yours. I've been listening to you for many years since I first heard you on your now husband's channel (I'm a giant fan of him as well). I'm a fellow leftist who shares most of your political views and moral values, so please don't take what I'm about to say as coming from someone who is here for Saagar (I mean he's cool too, but I have major ideological disagreements with him and don't watch the show for his commentary).

Listen, I really, REALLY despise the way you interrupt people whenever you disagree with them. It's incredibly frustrating to watch and counterproductive, as I firmly believe that it undermines all of the phenomenal points you generally make. I don't know if it's because you get flustered, don't want to let someone you disagree with "get away" with making factually incorrect, egregiously illogical, or grotesquely unethical statements, or don't want to forget the compelling counterpoint you're thinking of in the moment; whatever the reason is, it makes watching segments between you and Saagar or whoever you're disagreeing with unbearable. I always avoid watching any segments titled "HEATED DEBATE" because I know it's going to involve you constantly interrupting someone instead of carefully listening to their arguments and waiting for them to complete their thoughts before responding.

As someone who has co-founded an independent news media outlet that is populist and anti-establishment yet bipartisan (an incredibly noble, unique, and necessary endeavor), I feel like you should lean into the principle of constructive dialogue. I absolutely DETEST "debates," as they are exercises in performative oratory with the intent of entertaining an audience, rather than a genuine attempt to get to the truth and communicate a person's genuine beliefs on a given topic. I think that they're destructive to our social fabric and the public discourse because they appeal to our base desires for drama and spectacle, much in the same way that social media platforms foment our collective anger and despair since it's a more reliable way to grab and sustain our attention compared to reasoned, compassionate, and nuanced dialogue.

To be clear, I am not saying you shouldn't fervently disagree with someone and go to great lengths to disprove whatever nonsense they're spewing; rather, what I am saying is that you allow them to finish their thoughts before you start picking apart their arguments. In other words, all I'm asking is that you allow your conversation partners to finish their speaking before interrupting them. I think it would take away one of the biggest criticisms both your detractors and your fans have, as well as making you a more sympathetic and persuasive voice to members of your audience who don't agree with you.

Again, I truly admire what you and Saagar have accomplished with Rising and Breaking Points. Listening to you and Kyle has been a huge part of my life for nearly a decade now, and I'm grateful for you giving a voice to those of us who don't believe in the corporate mainstream media consensus.

In Solidarity,


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Watching BP On Spotify

We've heard questions about Spotify access that we would like to make clear.

Spotify's legal team is giving us issues and slowing down the migration.

In the meantime we've created a temporary Spotify video playlist that we are linking in all the show emails and posts.

Spotify Link:

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What happened to weekend partner content like Matt Stoller or James Li or Status Coup or The Lever?

I feel like im watching mainstream again. Why is it I only hear about Trump and Biden???
RFK jr could win if he was at least mentioned ,this is what they did to Bernie and Yang!!!
How will we ever break the two parties if ALL media counts them out 6 months before the people vote!

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